Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Air Force Buys 300 PS3 For “Research”

Photo courtesy of Gizmodo

There was always a reason why the Air Force was my favorite branch of the military, now I know why. The Air Force has purchased 300 Playstation 3 for “research” for which they state:

"The Air Force Research Laboratory is conducting a technology assessment of certain cell processors. The processors in the Sony PlayStation 3 are the only brand on the market that utilizes the specific cell processor characteristics needed for this program at an acceptable cost.”

Not that I’m some kind of conspiracy theorist, but something tells me that more gaming is going on than research. I’m thinking that it’s a massive Call of Duty 4 round up, with the winner getting a chance to fly which ever jet they choose.

I want in!

[Air Force via Gizmodo]

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