Friday, April 24, 2009

New Jawbone Arriving

Just got this in my email inbox.  I loved the first one, kind of torn on Jawbone 2.  I might take the dive, but still debating.

Today we are proud to announce our latest Jawbone, the best Jawbone we've ever created-Jawbone PRIMETM with EARCANDYTM colors.
Jawbone PRIME brings you even better audio quality, improved comfort and fresh, fun color choices. Jawbone PRIME continues our tradition of marrying technology and design to deliver the best Bluetooth® headset on the market.
Alongside PRIME, we bring you EARCANDY, a vibrant set of colors that reflect the Spring 2009 fashion trends in which bright colors are made approachable and wearable.
Since you are a FRIEND OF JAWBONE, we would like to offer you the first opportunity to pre-order Jawbone PRIME with EARCANDY. In fact, since we love you so much, we will even give you a FREE car charger with a purchase of a Jawbone PRIME headset.
Go here:
1. Choose your Jawbone headset
2. Enter promo code PRIMEFOJ during the check out process to get your new Jawbone PRIME headset and FREE car charger. Offer lasts until April 28th, 2009.
With multiple colors to pick from, choose the Jawbone that fits your lifestyle the best.

1 comment:

Nelson said...

I love the Jawbone ear piece but they're usually out of my price range. Now I'm sad :(