Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gaming worse than porn

I read this article earlier, and laughed my ass off. Then Woody from GU Comics did this comic and I laughed even harder.

[from GU Comics]
In an interview with the Boston Globe, MMO psychiatrist, Dr. Jerald Block, revealeded that computer gamers tend to be harder to treat because they express a deeper level of shame than those who find themselves drawn to porn. Block went on to explain that "as a society we understand that porn is something people do... but gaming is hard to describe to anyone else". Source: Boston Globe [ more info ]

Initially, I had my skeptical pants pulled up nipple high, old man style. But reading Dr. Block's responses it became apparent that he's addressing a real issue some people face rather than just lumping us all into a inescapably dysfunctional group where "addiction" is part and parcel to the activity. He doesn't even like the word addiction, opting instead to use the term "pathological computer use".

Isn't it nice to see how that deftly shifts the blame from the individual to the condition?

I'll tell you this much about being a gamer though... If you can't raid Kil'Jaeden WHILE watching clown porn in a gimp suit, you're not a real gamer. **grins**

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