Monday, April 14, 2008

Kid Brakes Vacuum To Get Out Of Chores, Mom Sells Xbox And Pwnd MySpace Account

Photo courtesy of Gizmodo
I love stories like this!!!

A 13-year old kid was told by his mom to do his chores instead of playing Xbox 360. The kid thought he would get out of it by intentionally braking the vacuum cleaner.

Mom wasn't having it!!!

She's selling his 360 on Craig's list along with all of his games, which are some good ones too! To add to it, she found out that he was also looking at porn by checking the cookies on the computer. Gizmodo got a chance to speak with the mom, and here's what she said:
"My 13 year old managed to break the vacuum....thinking it would release him from that duty. He also has a list of other chores that were TYPED up for him to do Friday thing on the list was done...mind you these are simple things...empty the trash, clean your room, etc. Then I go thru the cookies on his computer and find out he has been checking out porn sites. Now there is a password so he can't even get on and his my-space page has a picture of snoopy on it now. Apparently I'm the meanest mom in the world, were his words. I'm a single mom. I can't let them walk over me or I might never get up."

Mom's got some geek cred. I love it!!!

[Craigslist via Gizmodo]

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Kudos to the mom. This kid is lucky. My parents would have beat my ass, then made me do the chores, grounded me for a month, not given me allowance, then given the game system to a family member or friend down the street.

We really need to be able to beat kids nowadays.