Tuesday, April 29, 2008

AT&T 3G iphone To Cost $199

Well this is certainly a good way for AT&T to keep people from running out and unlocking the new 3G iphone due out soon. According to Fortune, AT&T will subsidize the new 3G iphone as much as $200. Making the iphone as low as $200 with a soul sucking 2 year contract, which isn't that bad when you think about it. The catch is that you have to buy it from AT&T, as the 3G iphone will go for $399 and 499 for the 8GB and 16GB models at Apple stores. People who want to take their new iphone to T-Mobile or to export it will have to pay the higher price.

So buying straight from Apple will cost you extra!

Fortune's source also state that the 3G iphone does has GPS and is 2.5mm thinner, not thicker as previous reports. Fortune said that you'll know when it will ship, because Apple will cut off shipments of the original iphone to clear inventory.

Now if I could get one of those drones at Apple to tell me when shippments have stopped, my journey will be complete.

[Fortune via Gizmodo]

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

If this is true, then it may lean me towards the iPhone instead of the AT&T Tilt...Unless the Tilt goes down in price for a new one.