So the long awaited day is finally upon us......
The release of Vista SP1 is secretly set to be released tomorrow March 18th, and the world will have its answer to the question "does Vista truly suck?" My personal hope is that the answer will be "NO", considering that I'm writing on a Vista laptop right now. Some of the criticizing that it has gotten is unwarranted, with some people thinking it's fashionable just to hate anything that's Microsoft. But some of it is, with the long delay before it was release coupled with expensive hardware upgrades, and multiple versions that only confused the consumer certainly put it behind the 8 ball. So what changes must be made for Vista to rebound from the "You suck" land that it's been dwelling in? With so many people thinking that Vista isn't any good, has perception become reality?
What must SP1 have to fix Vista?
Can it be fixed?
Does anyone still care?
1 comment:
If you would like to really laugh...
I cannot get SP1 at this time due to my finger print scanner on my laptop. It's driver version is one of the 10 that won't allow an SP1 install.
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