Wednesday, October 17, 2007

France Gets iphone Unlocked: WTF?

I'm sorry, but I'm about to start on a little rant!!!

If you've had the chance to read this blog, I'm sure you know that France is getting the iphone. But my understanding is that the cellular carrier "Orange" was going to play the part of AT&T for France, and only make the iphone available through them.

Not So!!!

It seems there is a very reasonable law in France that says all cell phones sold must come UNLOCKED. This will allow the customer to deiced which carrier they would like to use. So what's in it for Orange? Well they're going to sell a cheaper version of the iphone which will be locked to their service. So why the hell are we subjected to only one carrier for the iphone? And when users unlock their iphone, why is there great gnashing of teeth at Apple? I guess the citizens of France are just more demanding than the ones here in the U.S. The French government doesn't allow cell phone carriers to push their citizens around, and actually allow users to chose the cell phone, and the carrier to use it on.

What a freak'n concept!!!!

How come we just settle for what ever the carriers and the phone makers dish out to us? Come on people, I think it's time to storm the castle!!!!

Apple to Sell Unlocked iPhone in France [BetaNews via Crunchgear]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya know, the French may have more cell phone freedom; but along with that you're only allowed to bathe once a month. So It's a real trade off. Iphone freedom, but you really stink!