Thursday, April 26, 2007

$500 HD Tivo: love is in the air!!!

Want to save $360.00 on a new HD Tivo series 3? Well as part of their 'Welcome back' program, Tivo is discounting their top of the line DVR to $500.00. Plus they are throwing in a wireless adapter, all with NO REBATES!!!!!!

I hate rebates.

You have to sign up for one of their service plans, but you were going to do that anyway. If you've only had that 'busted up' cable DVR in your life and have never experienced how much better Tivo is, I highly recommend it.

And if you have a HDTV, that Series 3 will make you think about not going to work.

Product page after the jump.

5 comments: said...

I'd buy this today if it were HDirecTivo.

Nelson said...

You can use it with your HD DirecTV though. Check with DirecTV though, I'm sure you can. said...

I double checked. No satilites. Only cable.

Anonymous said...

My wife won't allow me past VCR's. She won't even entertain the thought of the cable company's DVR. That extra $5 can get you a Happy Meal!!

Nelson said...

Dude, you need to talk to your wife. The money that you save on tapes alone would justify the DVR. And programing a DVR is extremely easy, play that angle.