Sunday, July 15, 2007

Civilization Revolution from E3

Here's a great interview with one of the developers from Firaxis where they show a lot of the gameplay and talk about features of the game. As they are showing it now, I would buy this game. I can't wait to see the finished product. The thing I like best is they are estimating that you'll be able to play a full game in about 3 hours. Which is great, except it will probably not stop those 5am Civ runs, because if you finish a game at 1 am, you'll probably end up starting a new game. So long sleep. It was fun while it lasted.


Nelson said...

"So long sleep. It was fun while it lasted."


I've had my share of addicting video games that keep you up all night.

Anonymous said...

Many things I must say about this.

1.) Spring 08 Release! I will have an X-Box360 by then.

2.) Cleopatra is HAWT!

3.) I have every version since Civilization was made through expansion packs on #4. So does my wife.

4.) My favorite game of all time is Civilization II Multiplayer Gold; I still play it as do millions of others (some of whom are good freinds of mine)

5.) My wife & I have had fights over the game; and in one instace when she crossed into my territory, I killed her troops and decimated the city they came from. She didn't talk to me for TWO days.

6.) This move to the consoles is JUST what this game needs. It was getting to complicated; and this game will change all that.