People who have known me over the years have seen an eager mind full of imagination crushed into a cynical middle aged man. (Thanks Purdue; and nearly every place I've worked!) So when I saw that this was the 60 year anniversary of Roswell, I thought I should put forth my opinion; as it stands now. I believe that throughout the 40's and up through today, the US Military has tested new technologies (Black Ops) that were top secret. Sometimes, when you try something new, whatever it is you're testing, you have a crash. I believe the current govt. Stance is that this incident was from a ludicrously high altitude weather balloon that also was capable of detecting (then) Soviet nuclear tests. At that time, we had no satellites yet, so this was the best we could do. Apparently something happened to the balloon, and it crash landed in Roswell New Mexico in 1947. I won't get into the rest of the mythology surrounding it because it's covered by the story I'm linking to; but suffice to say, there are a lot of people out their with wishful imaginations who need to see Independence day. (Not every alien is like E.T, you've got some space folk out there that want to blow everything up and eat us) So, on to the story.
Say what you want, but I think there's more to this story. Why is it so unreasonable to believe that something other than a weather balloon crashed there? Call me one of those conspiracy guys, but I think the government is hiding something.
Seriously, I would love for them to arrive, cure cancer, take us to their planet, etc. Seriously; but I really believe that unless everyone agrees they see a little "Grey" alien telepathically speaking to to everyone regardless of language, I'd bee more likely to believe that LSD was ingested. To me, Science is about irrefutable proof, not hopeful wishes.
That said, in the terrific expanse of the universe, I believe other civilizations exist. I hope I'm proven wrong ASAP; but until we know for sure, we should not think a stay alien broke free and zapped Kennedy from the gassy knoll.
I could correct this post and say Grassy Knoll, but Gassy Knoll is just too damn funny.
Why is it so preposterous to think that some of the technology that we enjoy could have come from an advanced race? Think about it, it hasn't been 100 years since we learned how to fly. And we've been to the moon, sent probes to Mars.
It's not prepostorus, it's simply not proven. Like Darth Vader still had good in him (Luke Said so), I still have traces of a hopeful imagination, which lies below the broken imagination that lies decimated. (Thanks again Purdue)
Up until my 30's I'd have agreed with you at the drop of a hat; and you know that. But after years of technical testing and research; I became someone that needs repeatable, proven outcomes. So, when the Roswell Alien guys come to clean up their little crash, and say, someone other than E! entertainment covers it; then come back over and over and we are on first name basis, I'll call that repeatable. I would simply LOVE to find out the government has covered the truth up, but can no-longer hold the truth back, thus spilling over to the greater human consciousness.
There are many hypothesis; but not refutable, repeatable truth.
Now how do I explain the incredible amount of discoveries over the past 150 years; it certainly makes one wonder, could we be reverse engineering? That's a nice question; the answer has not been "yes!"
I would be far more amazed if our Government has been covering up the Aurora project. (Beyond incredible technology that's existence has been debated for 15 years. I believe the Government covers up national security inventions. But why are other nations not shocking us with this type of tech? Are the Aliens only Pro-American? Are they Republicans? I'm being silly here to make a point. I think everyone on this planet would uniformly progress if Aliens made contact with "The Earth", not just the U.S.
I think that if we are the only ones here, then it's an awful waste of space. I know nothing is proven, but I would hate to think that we are it in the Universe.
Hey, some things you believe in isn't necessarily a "science" thing.
I believe as you do; and I love your quote "If we're the only one's in the universe it's an awful waste of space."
Saying I agree with you on that point, even though the jury's kinda out; it's most probable that their is civilized life somewhere out there. I just don't think the U.S. government is keeping anything away from us.
Another example, I am a Christian; I believe Christ is our savior and died for our sins. My belief is predicated on faith. It is unwavering. I don't need to go back in time and see what Jesus did or what happened to him.
I watched a special on CNN last night (Larry King) and they had the round-table discussion of this very thing and Buzz Aldrin said, this next year their is going to be a CRITICALLY huge world wide effort to search the skies; not for Aliens; but for potentially deadly meteors. He believed that their is going to be so much more of a dramatic searching of the skies, that we might finally see the evidence of alien civilization.
I hope it's true.
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