Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Great White Eats Shark Repellent Device

Sometimes the stories just write themselves, such is the case with the Shark Shield device. This device which attaches onto surf boards, uses electrical waves to give sharks uncomfortable muscle contractions. Unfortunately a 12 foot Great White shark thought it made a tasty snack, and ate the testing device. Luckily it was attached to a buoy and not a surfers board.

The bad part for the designers is that it's speculated that the device designed to repel sharks, actually attracts them. The designers said that the device works fine, as long you're not surfing, paddling, or moving.

Bad design for a shark repellent.

[The Australian via Gizmodo]

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Still shows that you won't see this headline "Black Man Eaten By Shark While Surfing".

I'm not even sure I'll even stick to swimming only in pools and lakes. I saw Lake Placid you know. Plus, it never turns out well for the brotha.