Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Comcast Hires Drones To Cheer For Them At Net Neutrality Hearing

If you didn’t think that Comcast wasn’t a bunch of sneaky low bastards, take a look at their latest installment. Boingboing has collected a bunch of links that prove Comcast paid people to attend a net neutrality hearing, and cheer for them. The report identifies these people by the yellow highlighters that they wore.

So you would think that Comcast would deny such wrong doings right?

Uh…. No!

Comcast states that the people were hired to “hold” seats for other employees who wanted to attend the meeting. I have to call BS on this, mainly because Comcast has lost the right to the benefit of the doubt. I know that this has been a common practice in congressional hearings (quite a dirty tactic), but it goes to show how far Comcast will go to have their special interests pushed through.

Comcast is holding a firm lead for ‘Dirty Bastard of the Year Award’.

[Boingboing via Gizmodo]

1 comment:

Timothy Pontious said...

Comcast is a horrid company. Nobody in politics is willing to ensure that there is honest competition somehow, so we're stuck. I think there should be a delineation between providing the wire to the house, and providing the services that come across it. If I could switch cable providers and keep the same line the problem solves itself. Oh well...

While I'm on my soap box, let me just say that I'm so grateful that we busted up the old telecom giant AT&T so that they could eventually buy up all of the competition and become a monopoly (though with a different business model) again. That accomplished.... very little. Thanks!