Monday, April 30, 2007

Superman dies on DVD

When I was a kid, I never was a huge comic book fan. I liked some of the Spiderman comics but was never really blown away by them. That all changed back in 1993 I was brought back into the comic book world with a little story line called 'The death of Superman'. I never thought that the most powerful of all Super heros could ever die. And I was an instant fan from page one!!!

Well they're taking my love for this comic one step further.

This September the strait to DVD release of 'The death of Superman' will grace my collection.
If you're interested, check out the trailer here.


Anonymous said...

Way cool. This was a good story. I remember it well. I don't know how in depth it will be like the comic book, but the straight main story itself was certainly engrossing.

I love comics, but have gradually gone off the main stream ones as they are simply too universal and thus brain dead. I still have affection for the Fabulous Furry Freak brothers. I just bought two reprints of classic love and rockets comics.

For the height perhaps of Comic book as a profound literary form you should check out Art Spiegelman's "Maus." A tale of Jews surviving the Nazi period. So profound it won a pullitzer.. Something Spiderman will never do!

I do like buying the odd Batman comic two or three times a year though, he's just a great character.

Nelson said...


I have a comic book store in walking distance. I'll go and ask for this one. Thanks for the recommendation.