Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sony may cut PS3 prices

Sony is kicking around the idea of reducing the price of the PS3. This comes as good news to gamers who had intentions of buying the PS3 before they found out the price.

This is based on comments made by Ryoji Chubachi during an interview. He explained that the budgeting process for PS3 pricing and volumes would be re-examined as market forces and the competitive environment change.

I would find it hard to believe that Sony hasn't considered this for a while now. No matter what they continue to tell everyone, their sales are far behind the Wii and the Xbox 360. If they want to have a chance at getting back into the game, cutting prices would help tremendously.

$600 is a bitter pill to swallow Sony!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm want everyone to weigh in; we've all seen 360 and PS3 games in motion, I keep hearing about all this supposed unused power on the PS3 games; but to me it simmply seems that the 360 is easier to program for, therefore the games are going to look more polished and play more polished too. I've not seen one PS3 game that looks better than it's 360 cousin. (if a port had occured) What does everyone else think?

Malcolm said...

I agree with you. Maybe in a couple years the PS3 games will look better, but I get the feeling that MS is going to keep slipping faster processors in the 360 to keep up.